Arch clickume mirror fails to retrieve some files

Hi Friends recently im encountering issues with some of the mirrors in arch, when i try install some app from the arch user repo most of the time it works fine but sometimes im getting error like " unable to retrtrive some of the files , mirror and some of other mirror too ", what the reason behind this. How ever i fixed this issue by getting help from chatgpt i ran few command to update the pacman mirror list. But im curious about why it happens inspite of updating my machine up to rolling relases of arch everyday. If possible somebody elighten me.
Thank you

It’s very simple. First, you need to update the package lists, then upgrade your packages:

sudo pacman -Sy
sudo pacman -Syu

The issue might be with your configuration file not synchronizing databases with the servers.
Node.js was upgraded 6 hours ago.

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