GDM won't startup automatically and showing the user accountlist for login after boot

What happened ?

Recently i have tried out lxde as window manager to speedup the window managing processes

i have uninstalled GDM during the installation. after wards i dont like lxde much
so i reinstalled GDM again

after the reinstallation
gdm login page wont automatically opens after booting

How its going

for login and access the gnome-desktop envionment and other applications installed in my system
Need to login with tty with the username and password
from the tty console i need to give the following command to startup the graphical user interface.


As of now I am able to use the gui with the startx command I feel its annoying.

Where I Struck in debugging

I tried to restore the configuration files of gdm but cannot found anything usefull while googling.

After a week of search I found that

  • GDM is not properly configured in my machine from the installation
  • GDM shows login page to PRIMARY monitor i tried secondary monitor to login
  • i faced dual monitor login problem to solve that i used lightdm for rescue.
sudo apt install lightdm 

after installation chosen lightdm as desktop manager

sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm

if choosen wrongly use the above to reconfigure properly to choose again

sudo reboot 

now able to use UBUNTU as used earlier

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