How can i switch from linux machine to windows?

Hi sir,
when i am trying to login My PC its automatically goes into the Linux machine . its not showing grub loader ? can you please solve this issue.I have installed dual boot.

Is anybody knows this issue?
How to fix grub is not loading mint ?
When i start my PC its directly goes into linux .

i have entered all three option . but its goes only linux mint .

App Menu: Here also i have changed all ways . but nothing will be works for me . does anyone having knowledge about this issue.


By default grub timeout is 5s to select the os is this working correctly on system.can you able to switch between the os or not. If not we need to edit grub.conf and update the grub will is issue. You have stated that pc directly goes to mint and again you sau cant enter linux so ita quite confusing. So can you provide us more info to help you out.

when i have started my pc its directly goes into linux.its not showing grub loader.

How can i edit grub conf in linux?

Open terminal on linux mint and type the following command " sudo nano /etc/default/grub.cfg " after typing command you will be asked for root password after that grub config will be opened on nano editor on the top of the config file there will be a section call grub timeout there you want to add some timing like 5seconds or 10. After done that come to end of the file there you see that “#os_prober=false” you have to unhash it simply remove the hash symbol and to save this press ctrl+o to write changes and ctrl+x. Finnaly on terminal type “sudo update grub” to update the grub. This is should solve your issue

I have set timings:15seconds after i saved then this terminal page is coming .here i don’t know what i need to to next. can you please help me to shortout?

Sorry for the mistake the file above you edited is not grub
The correct command is " sudo nano /etc/default/grub" after running the command edit this grub file with image i have attached. The lines “grub_timeout=5” , “uncomment the os_prober=false”. After editing this 2 lines “ctrl+o” to write changes and “ctrl+x” to exit. Finnaly on the terminal type “sudo update-grub” this will detect the other os on the pc and add it to boot entry after you will be able to switcj between os from the grub. To. Make the grub appear after booting set the linux to boot first on the bios.

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