Ilugc special - Firefox discussion Notes

#+title: Firefox exploration
#+author: Thanga Ayyanar

* Basic

** Set flatpak firefox as default browser

- To get the default browser
#+begin_src shell
  xdg-settings get default-web-browser
- To set default browser
#+begin_src shell
  xdg-settings set default-web-browser org.mozilla.firefox.desktop
- Custom .desktop files
#+begin_src shell
  cd ~/.local/share/applications/

* Different Firefox flavors

** Firefox
** Firefox Nightly
** Firefox Beta
** Firefox Extended Support Release
** Firefox Developer Edition

** Third party
*** Librewolf
*** Tor browser
*** Firefox + arkenfox

* Firefox - Get started

* Firefox options
** Profile
#+begin_src shell
  flatpak run org.mozilla.firefox --ProfileManager
- Profile directory for flatpak firefox located in the following location
#+begin_src shell

** Command line options
- One of my most favorite command 
#+begin_src shell
  flatpak run org.mozilla.firefox --new-tab ""
** Reader view mode
- Also available as npm package (Use it for cli or other automation)
** Process
- invoke it using about:processes
** Sync - with phone
- You can able to sync tabs with phone
** Firefox android - addons
- Firefox android browser has support to install addons

** Customization
- Create a folder called Chrome in the profile directory
- create a file named userChrome.css in Chrome folder
  #+begin_src css
    /* hide native tabs */

#TabsToolbar {
    visibility: collapse;

/* Hide side bar header */
#sidebar-header {
    visibility: collapse !important;
- More info:

*** Disabling av1 codec
- Disable all the av1 codec, as it is only available after intel 13th gen (To my knowledge)
  - You can check the codec in youtube right click and select status nerd 
  - h264ify will make the youtube use avc codec
  - enhanced-h264ify is the new addon

*** intel gpu tools
- Let you monitor gpu stats
- Install it using
  #+begin_src shell
    sudo apt-get -y install intel-gpu-tools
- Invoke the top command using
  #+begin_src shell
    sudo intel_gpu_top
*** Codec supported in linux
#+begin_src shell

* Addons
** Firefox multi account container
- Ctrl + . -> Container menu
** Ublock origin
** Sidebery
** Auto Tab Discard
** Tabliss
** Single file html
** Tridactyl
** Foxy Proxy
** Violentmonkey
** Open external links in a container
* Addons (Need to try)
** Org protocol (Emacs)
** Spookfox (Emacs)

* Hotkeys
| Key        | actions                                          |
| @          | Url search bar to invoke different search engine |
| Ctrl + l   | Move cursor to search bar                        |
| Ctrl + tab | Switch between recent tabs                       |
- custom search shortcut keys
  - Use bookmark to perform custom search
  - Also you can use duck duck go bangs

* Dev tools (Basics)
** Console
- Ctrl + B => Multi line java script execution
** Network
- Edit and resend request