Unable to push my local directory changes to GITHUB maintained repository

Need help to resolve below error:
==========/home/vm/python_practices/==and ==.git/configPermissions details=====
vm@mail:~/python_practices$ ls -l /home/vm/
drwxrwxr-x 7 vm vm 4096 Aug 16 22:52 python_practices

vm@mail:~/python_practices$ ls -l /home/vm/python_practices/.git/config
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 92 Aug 16 22:41 /home/vm/python_practices/.git/config
vm@mail:~/python_practices$ cat /home/vm/python_practices/.git/config
repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = true
bare = false
logallrefupdates = true
===========BELOW is the OBSERVED ERROR TO GET RESOLVED===============
m@mail:~/python_practices$ git remote add origin GitHub - G-cell-coder/Regex_practice_using_python_programming
error: failed to write new configuration file /home/vm/python_practices/.git/config.lock =======> I have deleted this “to try to get created new one as suggested with stack overflow advice”( Listed the file permission of the directory it holds- along with this request )
fatal: could not set ‘remote.origin.url’ to ‘GitHub - G-cell-coder/Regex_practice_using_python_programming
==========GIT command used to push the modified code=============
git add *
git status
git branch -M main
git remote add main GitHub - G-cell-coder/Regex_practice_using_python_programming ==> At this step observed above error
git remote -v
======As suggested with stack-overflow tried below options=======
rm git/config.lock’
rm /home/vm/python_practices/.git/config.lock

What steps to recover from above problem ?
If anyone available to connect over morning / evening 8-9 , please confirm to recover this observed problem

It seems like you have unintentionally touched git’s configuration
from the details that you given i can only able to understand that

your-repo/.git/config.lock → the deleted file
if my understanding is right
move to another location clone the repository again using

git clone https://github.com/G-cell-coder/Regex_practice_using_python_programming.git

now you need to move your updated changes copy the changes from the corrupted git folder only code files (not from .git) and try to push and let me know

if this done fine you can safely discard the corrupted git folder

Both Are same? → vm@mail:~/python_practices$
===========BELOW is the OBSERVED ERROR TO GET RESOLVED===============
Both Are same? → m@mail:~/python_practices$

PS: Normal Consideration for file not writable in location one is lacking file permission for write user,group level another one is lack of storage space

இந்த சிக்கல் தீர்ந்துவிட்டதா என்று கூறவும்.

On clone with a seperate directory and pushing from new repository worked.
Lesson: Stay applied with github commands in alternative ways to accomplish the task.

Thanks team